Types of Coffee Beans
Coffee Beans
There are two main types of coffee beans in used throughout the world today, they are Coffee Arabica and Coffee Robusta.
Coffee Arabica
Coffee Arabica beans are regarded as the highest quality beans and are used in gourmet coffee. It grows at an altitude of roughly 3,000 - 6,000 feet above sea level. 80% of all Arabica coffee in the world is grown in Brazil which is also the highest producer of coffee globally. Arabica coffee beans have generally lower yields than Robusta.
Coffee Robusta
Coffee Robusta is a cheaper quality than Coffee Arabica and is typically grown at lower elevations also. It is easier to grow and maintain than Coffee Arabica and also more disease resistant. These coffee beans contain more caffeine than the other and are primarily grown in Vietnam, Republic of Congo, Angola, Madagascar, Ivory Coast, Uganda, and parts of Brazil. 20% of coffee harvested around the world is Coffee Robusta.
Although these are the two main coffee beans used in coffee making, there are many, many other types such as benghalensis, Bengal coffee; Coffea congensis, Congo coffee; Coffea liberica, Liberian coffee; Coffea stenophylla, Sierra Leonian coffee; Coffea excelsia, another Liberian coffee; Coffea bonnieri; Coffea gallienii; and Coffea mogeneti, however these beans are native to their countries.
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